Sunday, June 23, 2013

Being a Gamer Girl!

I play CS, Hitman, GTA, NFS, COD.
Even Pokemon, Tekken, Crazy Taxi and let’s not forget classic Mario, Dave, Prince of Persia and Roadrash!
DOTA, FIFA13 and NBA LIVE are on my wish list!
Yes I'm a girl and I'm a Gamer.

Gaming is not just a mere hobby to me anymore it has become an inseparable part of my daily routine. I remember I was in class 4 or maybe 5 when I first played Dave, it was fun, I enjoyed it and that's what brought me into gaming.
Hitman and Roadrash are actually my all time favorites. Most of my free hours are spent either playing all these games or reading novels. I have even been called “Tomboy” for spending my times on, what they call ‘violent-video-games’ [which I don’t find violent at all] which, according to them, are only for boys
This is where I'm lost. This is what I do not understand. Why do people associate video games only with boys? Why do people assume that video games are only for boys and not for girls? Why are people surprised about girl playing games? ["Whoa! You’re a Gamer? But you are a Girl!"] C'mon people we too have hands, eyes and hearing senses like any guy and as far as I know there are no rules saying that gaming is only for guys and girls can't be gamers. So why is it so hard for people to accept that even girls can play games as good as any guy or maybe even better than some!

Being a girl and a gamer is not easy as long as we are being continuously judged by everyone (right down to your family members), constanly having to face sexist remarks that people make in online gaming community, being harassed by male players during multiplayer games, being considered as some kind of rare species in the gaming world, and constantly having to prove ourselves. Life of a girl gamer would be a lot easier if only people could stop being a sexist and accept a girl playing games just like they accept any other guy playing video games.

-Scarlet Grace

Miles to win : NFS, NFS SE, Knight Rider, NFS Hot Pursuit, etc.
Harry Potter : Quidditch Match, HP Chamber Of Secret Game, HP Prisoner Of Azkaban, etc.
Game Warehouse: Mario, Dave, Pokemon, DragonballZ, etc.